Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Taking a Look at California State University Long Beach

Since 1949 California State University Long Beach has been educating and attracting students to its institution. This wonderful campus is located on 1250 Bellflower Blvd, Long Beach, CA 90840. The mission of this institution is an engage public university that is committed to give education opportunities for graduates as well as undergraduates. This college is a learning environment that prepares students to take another step for their educating needs. California State University Long Beach ranks #1 in the nation for most graduates that receive degrees in doctoring, science, and engineering. The founder of CSULB is DR. P. Victor Peterson which served for 10 years between 1949 through 1959 before he died. This university was found in the year of 1949. California State University has some specific requirements for those wishing to attend. Some of the obligations to attend CSULB are graduating from high school, must have eligibility index, and must complete all courses in the comprehen sive pattern with the grade average of a c or better. Therefore to be accounted as an admission attending, SAT must be taken. Honors courses in subjects that approved taken in the last years of high school that will receive additional points in your grades. An important issue to consider before attending the college California State University Long Beach. There are four different financial aids that are available. Scholarships, grants, employment and loans are offered to help studentsShow MoreRelatedNursing a Successful Career Essay1013 Words   |  5 Pagesworld needs health care treatment. Students should look into healthcare careers id they want a successful life and career. Registered nursing need dedication although it does not take such a long time to complete this career it has its rewards in its outcomes. 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